Procedures and timelinE
1. Information Sessions
Information Night for Students and Parents:
November 19, 2024 at 7:00pm
Prince of Wales Secondary School, Auditorium
There will be a Powerpoint Slide Deck which recaps the information meeting posted on the Information Session page.
2. Application Package
There will be an application package available after the Information meeting at VSB school offices, or for download here after the information meeting.
All students who apply will be reviewed. Those who meet the criteria will be put in the random draw.
3. Application DeTAILs
You must submit the following:
Secure Online Survey Filled Out (online)
Completed Application form (paper)
Proof of Address (x2) (paper)
Copy of Grade 8 Final Report Card (paper)
Copy of Grade 9 Semester 1 Final Report Card (paper)
Leadership Assignment (paper)
Deposit - $200 check post-dated to March 1st, refunded only if not accepted into the program (make it out to Prince of Wales - TREK program).
Online Reference Forms (sent to references and submitted by them) (online)
You must do the 2.4 run at PW
All information including online forms are to be submitted by February 12th - 4:00 PM.
The paper portions are to be submitted in a clearly marked envelope to Prince of Wales Secondary School, in a box outside the main office or handed in during your run time.
The online forms survey and references can be filled out before you submit the paper package.
If you give the package to your school on Monday Feb, 10th am, the school office staff should be able to “Blue Bag” it to PW by February the 12th.
Ensure it is clearly labeled PW TREK in a sealed envelope.
The school office is open for drop off from 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM.
Important - we would like students to submit their final marks for semester 1 of grade 9 which will be posted by VSB schools just prior to the application deadline.
4. Fitness Run
Due to Winter Conditions the Run Has been Cancelled. Instead alL StudENTS who are Successful in the Random Draw will Come to PW for a 2.4 km Fitness Run in The SprINg. More information will be Communicated to Successful Applicants During the Notification of Acceptance.
5. Random Draw
The TREK Program receives more applications than the 112 spaces that are available each year. All applications that meet the minimum requirements are placed in a random draw. This draw is performed late in February by the administration of Prince of Wales Secondary School. We do not recruit or pre-select students.
A subsequent draw will be performed if any applications are withdrawn prior to the start of the program.
6. Notification of Acceptance
Emails will be sent in the last week of February. The date will be posted here on the day we send them if you would like to confirm if it has been sent out.
All applicants (both successful and unsuccessful) will be notified.
7. Confirmation of Acceptance
Successful applicants are to confirm electronically at the beginning of March.
At this point the non-refundable $200 deposit cheque will be cashed and all unsuccessful applications will be shredded. If a student is accepted in the subsequent draw to fill withdrawn seats, a new cheque will be required.
Bursaries are available upon request and must be submitted by mid June.
8. September Submissions
Successful applicants must submit the following in September. These forms will be given out on the first day of TREK classes.
Medical Form
Acknowledgement of Risk & Informed Consent Form
TREK fees, to be submitted using School Cash Online