Do I need previous camping/outdoor experience?

No. The program staff will teach you the fundamentals of wilderness camping and travel. You must have an interest in trying or pursuing outdoor activities.

Do I need to know how to swim?

No, but you must be able to remain calm while floating in deep water (wearing a PFD/lifejacket). We always wear PFD’s while in deep water.

How do the trip meals work?

Menu planning, food purchasing and meal preparation is done in small groups (2 - 4 students) with the guidance of teaching staff.

How physically fit do I need to be?

The TREK Program is a physically demanding experience, but most students who enjoy exercise and sports will find the activities well within their physical ability.

How is physical fitness assessed during the application process?

Applicants must meet the Grade 9 ‘Proficient’ standard for physical fitness. This requirement is in place because physical exertion is part of all TREK trips, and a lack of physical fitness can place an individual or an entire group at risk. Students will need to do a 2.4 k run in less than 14 minutes as part of the application process.

What are the minimum academic requirements for the TREK program?

Applicants must pass all Grade 8 and 9 subjects; English, Social Studies, Math, Science, P.H.E, and electives, and maintain a predominately ‘Proficient’ average across their courses in their grade 8/9 years. 

In order to make room for the field trips the academic program is compressed.

We need students to be capable students so that they can successfully complete the intensified academic program.

I currently have a skills block in place of a language course. Can I still apply to TREK and will I be able to enrol in a skills block while in TREK?

Yes, you can apply. Because of the TREK integrated schedule you will not be enrolled in a specific skills block with a PW resource/learning support teacher.

I have an IEP. Can I still apply to TREK ?

Yes, you can apply. The teachers will ensure that your IEP is followed.

Do I get an applied skills/design or art elective credit while I am at TREK?

Yes and No, If you are in French Immersion you will not receive this elective credit. You will need to take it during grade 11 or 12.

Who is the French Immersion Language course for?

The French Immersion class is only for French Immersion students who will be returning to their French Immersion programs for grade 11/12/.

When should I do a language course? 

We encourage students who take language courses to do them at their home school, summer school, or online. This is because at TREK we are not able to meet the variety of language course needs in our integrated program.

What if I am in an accelerated program and have already completed a Grade 10 subject during my regular Grade 9 school year? 

All TREK students will be enrolled in the 8 courses, taught by TREK teachers at PW. Students in this situation will complete another course (grade ten level) in the subject they have completed, in the place of the course that they have done in their previous program. These courses will be taught by the TREK teachers and integrated into the program. Many students choose to do online courses to keep up with their previous accelerated programs. These online courses would be over and above the 8 courses in TREK. 

For Example: I have completed Math 10 already as I was in an accelerated program. When I come to TREK I take a Math 10 + course as part of the TREK program.  I will receive an independent study credit and go to classes with the rest of the TREK students. If I want to do an online Pre Calc 11 course, I can choose to do that on my own time, without support from the TREK teachers. I do not get a “spare” during the school day to do the course.

Can ELL students apply?

If you have been recommended by your teachers to be in regular English 10 for your TREK year you are welcome to apply.

Should I take summer “completion” courses before TREK?​ 

No - All TREK students will be enrolled in the 8 integrated courses taught by the TREK teachers.​ The other independent study credits offered by TREK are only for students who have been in accelerated programs during their previous school year. These accelerated courses are to have been completed by the end of June of their grade nine year.​ 

Is TREK linear? 

Yes, TREK is linear which means that all 8 courses are run throughout the entire school year. 

How does the schedule work?

112 Students - 4 Groups of 28 Students​. Our linear school year is divided into 8 "blocks" of time. Students will be shuffled into new groups of 28 for each block to help build the entire cohort into a connected community.​ Each block integrates field studies, inquiry projects and classroom-based academics. Each groups of 28 students does all of their classes together during the block. For example on one day the group of 28 students may have: Math, English, PHE and Science and then the next day they might be together on day trip canoeing. The TREK teachers will teach all students during the block.

Do you cover the curriculum?

Due to the amount of time allocated for Field Studies TREK students and families will notice that classes are intensified, and the schedule is varied.​ We spend many days in the field, but we cover the curricular requirements in all the subjects.  ​For example, in the first block most of the time is spent learning outdoor skills and community building!​

Are TREK students at an academic disadvantage in Grade 11 or 12?

No. Although we do not formally track students, informal evidence (principals lists, scholarships, university entrances) strongly suggests that TREK students do as well as their peers in Grades 11 & 12 (who did not complete the TREK Program). If anything, the program exposes TREK students to skills (self-discipline, self-confidence, independence, critical thinking) that serve them well in their future studies. The program is compressed to create time for the field trips but it is not an academically harder program than regular school.

I’m a French Immersion student interested in applying to TREK. How will I fulfill the 24 FI credits required to graduate with a bilingual dogwood?

TREK offers one French Immersion class that allows FI students to return to their French Immersion program (FILA 10).

French immersion students who do the grade 10 TREK program miss out on three full year French Immersion courses. While in TREK, they will complete their FILA 10 course, which counts for 4 credits. They are welcomed back into the French Immersion program at their home schools in grade 11, and the French Immersion courses they take in grade 11 and 12 will continue to appear on their transcript. This information will be available to universities and employers whether they choose to do the extra work necessary for the bilingual dogwood or not.

Students usually complete two French Immersion courses in grade 11, and one in grade 12, for a total of 12 credits. Because they have missed the grade 10 French Immersion course work, though, they will not graduate with the bilingual dogwood diploma unless they choose to complete alternative work (in essence, this is to make up for the three French Immersion grade 10 courses they didn’t take during their grade 10 year).

French Immersion students should speak with their home school counsellor to confirm requirements for the bilingual dogwood.

Does TREK follow the regular school calendar?

Yes and No. TREK follows the regular school calendar for holidays and most trips are during the school week. There are some alternate Pro D’s and Collab. days due to our scheduling limitations. Some days are longer than the regular school day to allow for the different locations we travel to.

Who are teaching staff?

The teaching staff at TREK are an important factor in helping students obtain the potential benefits of this program.​ In addition to being a qualified BC teacher, each TREK teacher:​ Has Wilderness First Aid & are trained in emergency response procedures. We have a Class 2 Bus Driver’s License and have experience guiding students in a variety of environments. We love working in the team environment and believe strongly in the benefits of this program! We love to adventure ourselves! We also hire guides to augment the teaching staff on most field studies.

The TREK outdoor teachers work only with TREK students and are responsible for teaching the entire grade 10 curriculum to the TREK students.

 If I’m transferring from another school for the year, can I play on a sports team while I’m at P.W.?

If a student is attending TREK, they must play for the school that they were registered at (their home school) before attending the TREK program.

I play lots of sports and do other activities. Is TREK for me?

Yes! TREK is for you. You may need to miss the occasional practice or game, but we encourage students to maintain their activities when they are in TREK.

I play national level sports or do other activities that takes me away from school on a regular basis. Is TREK for me?

Because of the intensified and integrated nature of the TREK program it is very difficult to miss school. We ask that students who choose to come to TREK put the TREK activities first.

My family likes to travel and take extended long weekends. Is TREK for me?

Yes and no, If you are able to stay home on your own and perhaps give up your family travel, TREK might be for you. If you are intending on travelling with your family than TREK is not for you. Because of the intensified and integrated nature of the TREK program it is very difficult to miss school. TREK is a hand’s program that is meant to be experienced in person! Not online.

Where do I return to after my TREK year?

Most students return to the school they attended previously. For most students this is their catchment school.  If you have left a district program for TREK and you wish to return to that program, there may not be a space for you at that school. You will need to ask the program directly about this.

The exception is French Immersion where you can return to the French Immersion program that you were in after the year at TREK.

If you are leaving a school for TREK that is not your catchment school, you should confirm with the Principal of your current school that you will be able to return after TREK. You may need to apply as an out of catchment applicant. This could change year to year depending on enrollment and projections.

For those students in the VSB, TREK will do their best to coordinate a day with the various homeschools for students to do course planning for their grade 11 year. The transfer back to homeschools will be coordinated by the records clerks and counsellors.

Does TREK use technology?

As part of TREK’s integrated program structure, we use Microsoft Teams and other office programs throughout the year.

This means students need a laptop for all TREK Courses. If families are unable to provide a laptop than please note that on our TREK bursary application.

We have a strict no cell phone in class rule and on the field trips (including the overnight trips).

Does TREK have strict policies? 

The TREK Program has policies regarding attendance, absences, punctuality, assignments, respect and responsibility, physical fitness, preparedness, transportation, and equipment.

The TREK program encourages healthy living and for safety reasons; cigarette smoking, vaping, alcohol consumption, the consumption of edibles and the use of non-prescription drugs are not permitted at any time during classes, program activities and field studies. The use of these on an activity related to TREK may result in suspension or immediate expulsion from the program. 

Any student who does not demonstrate aspects of positive character will not be permitted to go on Field Studies and may be asked to leave the program.

 Should I call TREK if I don’t get accepted?

No. Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are only able to accept 112 students. A subsequent draw will be performed if any applications are withdrawn prior to the start of the program. If this occurs, the successful applicant will be notified immediately.