TREK Program Presents
Dr. David Suzuki
Humans are an Invasive Species: Why TREK Matters
March 6th, 2025
Doors open at 6:00pm
Talk and Q&A at 7:00pm
Concession, Door Prizes, Book Sales and Signing
Prince of Wales Secondary School, 2250 Eddington Dr.
Students $15
Adults $25
Award-Winning Scientist, Environmentalist, and Broadcaster
Dr. David Suzuki has made it his life's work to help humanity understand, appreciate, respect and protect nature. He is familiar to television audiences as host of the CBC science and natural history television series The Nature of Things. David was the recipient of The Canadian Academy of Cinema and Television's 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award. David has been recognized by BC Achievement in partnership with the Lieutenant Governor of BC for his extraordinary work as a recipient of the 2021 BC Reconciliation Award. Dr. Suzuki is a Companion to the Order of Canada and a recipient of UNESCO's Kalinga Prize for science, the 2009 Right Livelihood Award, and UNEP’s Global 500. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and holds 30 honorary degrees from universities in Canada, United States and Australia. His written work includes more than 55 books, 19 of them for children.
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